Initial treatment of skin cancers has a success rate of 90%. Methods commonly employed to treat skin cancer include: excision (surgical removal and stitching), curettage and electrodesiccation (scraping and burning with an electric needle), cryosurgery (freezing), and radiation therapy (“deep” X-ray). And there aren’t many better than a London dermatology clinic to take these tests and get treatment. Patients may have had one or more of these methods of treatment before coming for Mohs Micrographic Surgery.
The success rate in treating a recurrent skin cancer (ie. one that persists after conventional treatment) can be as low as 50%. The cure rate for Mohs Micrographic Surgery, even in treating recurrent lesions, is about 98%.
In case you have any skin injuries use this hypertrophic scar Tape to get rid of the wounds.
Mohs Micrographic Surgery (discussed in detail below) is very time consuming, requires a highly-trained team of medical personnel, and is available at relatively few locations in the country. Mohs Micrographic Surgery is reserved for recurrent skin cancers or for primary skin cancers that are difficult to treat usually including the central face.
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